R.G.G.P.G. Ayurvedic College Paprola

R.G.G.P.G. Ayurvedic College Paprola

Saturday, 14 January 2012


       There are so many activities under the project "Regional Centre of Excellence in Ayurved for Geriatric Health Care". SENSITIZATION PROGRAMME ON GERIATRICS is one of them. The NGOs, Panchayat organizations and other organizations which work for the betterment of the people without any self intrests are Sensitized regarding the problems of Old peoples. Under this programme General peoples are being awared regarding the problems and solutions of Old peoples.

      Under this programme four meetings were held:
  1. On dated 3rd January 2012, First meetingof this SENSITIZATION Programme was held on Panchayat level at Panchayat Bhawan, VPO Paprola. Pradhan, Up-Pradhan and other members of panchayat attended the meeting. 
          Images of First Sensitizations programme

2. On dated 12th January 2012, Second SENSITIZATION PROGRAMME was held for
   NGO named  'SANKALP' at R. G. G. P. G. Ayurvedic College Paprola. Principal of the college
   Dr. C. K. Sharma Chaired the meeting and Sh. Sanveer Mehta, President of the NGO was the chief
   guest of the Programme. In this Programme with Sh. Sanveer Mehta the President of NGO 'Sanklap' other members of this organizations also participated and benefited.

Images of Second Sensitizations programme:

3) THIRD SENSITIZATION PROGRAMME was held on dated 17th January 2012, for
  AMOs selected under the project NRHM under the chairmanship of Dr. Y. K. Sharma Prof. and HOD, P.G. Dept. of Kayachikitsa of this college at R. G. G. P. G. Ayurvedic College Paprola.  In this Programme Ayurvedic Medical Officers from different parts of Himachal Pradesh participated in this program.

Images of third Sensitizations programme:

NGO named 'KOSHISH' at R. G. G. P. G. Ayurvedic College Paprola  on dated 18th January 2012. Principal of the college Dr. C. K. Sharma Chaired the meeting and Sh. Ankit Sood, President of the NGO was the chief guest of the Programme. In this Programme beside Sh. Ankit Sood the President of NGO 'KOSHISH',  other members of this organizations also participated and benefited from this program.

Images of this Sensitizations programme:


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